Sunday, February 27, 2022

Divination Methods Workshop - Update #1

 Our divination methods workshop is coming up soon, on Saturday March 26th. One of our five speakers that day will be Diana Paar, speaking on the tarot. Here's what she has to say:


Tarot cards are one of the most popular & accessible divination systems, so it’s not surprising they’re subjected to so many misunderstandings & superstitions. How to choose a deck and how to store it? What reading layouts are the best or which should be avoided? Where does Tarot come from?

Diana will provide a brief overview of what is known about the history of Tarot, then dispel misconceptions while clarifying some of its benefits. Working with the Tarot for over 30 years Diana incorporates astrology & extensive metaphysical experience into her personal & public spiritual practice. As an Intuitive and Teacher she has a unique way of explaining how reading Tarot can open and maintain a dynamic relationship between our inner & outer worlds.

Be sure and plan to join us for the the exciting presentations we have lined up. Our other four speakers are listed on our workshop tab, and our price for the whole day's series of Zoom links is only $10. The payment link is on the sidebar to your right. (If you are viewing this on your phone, scroll down to the bottom to choose "view web version" in order to see the links.)