Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Samhain 2016

We will be celebrating Samhain this year on Sunday October 30th. As the winter season begins, we leave our familiar site beside our Mother Platte and move to a series of more sheltered locations. For Samhain, that will be 2929 S Elm Street, Denver, CO. For this ritual we will gather at 5 pm, and the ritual will begin at sunset. The theme this time will be Welsh, with some dual-language sections, and the celebrant will be Rev. G. R. Grove. We will be collecting toys again this year for Toys for Tots, and ask that everyone bring at least one new toy. There will also be the usual potluck and fellowship after the ritual.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Saturday's schedule

8 am - site opens
9 am - Colorado Deputy Regional Druid Rev. G. R. Grove - Early Druids of Celtic Europe - What do we know, what do we guess?
10 am - ADF Archdruid Rev. Jean "Drum" Pagano - Fire in Avestan Religious Thought and Practice
11 am - Central Region Regional Druid Rev. Amber Doty - ADF Organization
12 noon - Lunch
1 pm - ADF Seers Guild Chief Rev. Rowen Grove - Þorbjörg’s Charm Bag: The Tools of a Spákona
2 pm - Kevin Jenkyns - Connecting with the Land Spirits
3 pm - Q/A Panel (Rev. Pagano, Rev. Doty, Kevin Jenkyns, Anthony Fleming)
4 pm - ADF Bard Laureate Rev. Melissa Ashton - Music in Ritual
5 pm - Unity Ritual
6 pm - Potluck Supper

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Unfortunately one of our invited speakers, Rev. Kirk Thomas, will not be able to attend our Rocky Mountain retreat this year due to the death of a cousin. However, the retreat will otherwise take place as planned, with his spot on the schedule being taken by our own Rev. Kevin Jenkyns (not an ADF priest, but ordained in a different tradition). Kevin will be speaking on connecting with the Land Spirits, building on the presentation he gave last year. Chokecherry extends our sympathy to Kirk for his loss, and we hope that he will be able to visit us next year.